- This correlates with our findings on the issues working women face globally RT @Bidiversity: Can women have it all? http://bit.ly/bLx6Nl #
- RT @AndreaLearned: New Schwinn campaign women-driven but reaches everyone. http://3bl.me/8×8329 |Note the subtleties.This looks smart to me. #
- RT @womenintech: Taller women 'earn more money': Taller women earn more money in their healthcare IT job or another… http://bit.ly/bhxyNZ #
- Gender bias… in company shareholders RT @HarvardBiz: Why Stock Price Drops When Women Join the Board http://s.hbr.org/cxMVIf #
- RT @vie_boheme: @girlfuturist Wish superman could round up the garbage. But since he's not here, we need to all do our share. #
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