- @Judypiatkus good to meet you too! The world is very small, and getting smaller! That's why integrity is key in dealing with others in reply to Judypiatkus #
- Great idea RT @thelostdot: Post-it pillows: one which you can write on http://twitpic.com/234zih http://twitpic.com/234zii #
- RT @disruptiveplay RT @grahamdbrown: Would a wise man back an industry that is less effective every year? No?Why throw money at ad agencies? #
- I secondthat RT @Sdoylemorris: So pleased to see. Maggie Berry get recognition for http://ht.ly/27Zma from seed idea to network >6000 women! #
- RT @SueandSoniaW: Success on the mummy track… http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/f4475320-891d-11df-8ecd-00144feab49a.html #
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