- Important to #breakgenderstereotypes RT @newsaboutwomen: Aussie PM offers improved paternity leave http://bit.ly/9qzkHe #
- RT @whywomen: RT @rapecrisisscot: Trafficking of women today is on a par with genocide (Guardian book review): http://bit.ly/a0vbUN #
- Something has to give… RT @BeccaNorman. #nowdontaskmewhyimafeminist RT @fawcettsociety Equal Pay not until 2067 http://bit.ly/buPZCL #
- RT @yachtbusiness: Article: Jessica Watson Australia's No. 1 Sailor. http://bit.ly/9fXEaW #
- True! RT @thenextwomen: RT @smartahq Why business mentoring should be paid for | Smarta http://bit.ly/8XACS1 #
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