- RT @blogdiva: RT @kennethlipp: Αθήνα – the birthplace of democracy. Solidarity #Greece #
- True- defacing of Athens has little to do w the reality of economic gloom RT @PhilipAtticus: Athens burning – again. http://t.co/kBCoaJ0w #
- RT @blogdiva: #greece MT @gathan777:those who burn the city do not participate in peaceful demonstration. Evry time, police just watches. #
- “@blogdiva: #12frg #Syntagma RT @IrateGreek: #Germany #039;s Carthaginian terms for #Greece – http://t.co/kKZzyorC via @yanisvaroufakis” #
- Agreed! RT @findaTVexpert: Enjoyed the #Baftas but why so few women presenting awards???? #
- RT @blogdiva: not what greeks wanted RT @allisonkilkenny:RT @abcnews: BREAKING: #Greek MPs have voted in favour of austerity measures #12fgr #
- RT @blogdiva: RT @SabzBrach: Pictures-Around 100,000 protesters converged in Athens to protest agnst austerity measures http://t.co/dk3YbP5K #
- RT @findaTVexpert: @stephenfry Thanks for a great #bafta But surprised by the lack of women presenting awards. Enjoy the party. #
- RT @Linformatrice: RT @SophiaIfigha: #Greece : L'appel de M Theodorakis: "Les banques ramèneront le fascisme en Europe!"http://t.co/Nm4HfdPD #
- RT @glengyron: Dear Media: Perhaps you could run a Greece story without 'Tragedy' and 'Trojan Horse' references. Just a thought. #
- RT @DiversityWoman:If everyone in the room is the …same as you, you're not getting good advice-Jim Skinner, CEO @McDonalds Latest DW issue #
- RT @Natoof: “Your mind will answer most questions if you learn to relax and wait for the answer.”~William S. Burroughs #
- RT @andrewtghill: Why the fixation with quotas is distracting boards and how to combat gender fatigue. My FT column: http://t.co/0k9dFEY1 #
- Shame on Europe for betraying Greece | William Wall http://t.co/aTyLxXZ4 via @guardian #
- TY! RT @RealDanielLee:#FF Quality people2follow @ZiaExecutive @brookgrahamltd@wobnz @sitatthetable@lesley_whyte @christinai @jennifergarrett #
- U r a star 2!! RT @ZiaExecutive: #ff People worth following @brookgrahamltd @realdaniellee @wobnz @sitatthetable @lesley_whyte @christinai #
- RT @ronkelawal: WATC TV interviews the fantastic @Christinai some powerful messages abt women at work http://t.co/kxjT0WTh via @watc_updates #