- So excited about my Keynote on Women as Sporting Leaders: Lessons from Business, at the Women and Sport Conference this pm. All set! #
- Women and sport conference does not have a twitter hashtag. Is that representative of lack of social media understanding for the sector? #
- One of the challenges for attracting women in sport is engagement of school age girls, but twitter not mentioned at Women and Sport conf #
- Sport catalyst for social integration in the community #
- Show me the money – sponsorship and funding in women's sport starting at Women and Sport Conference #
- RT @CatalystInc: Can maternity leaves be too long? Some experts think so. http://bit.ly/5kfqGx #
- Co-operative and England netball used social media to engage with their target audience- 40000 people signed up thru social media #
- Average spend by a typical brand on social media at 10-20%, but engagement at grass roots still an issue. Baffling! #
- RT @XCulture: Only 52 Women on Hong Kong Boards: For the 1st time, a report publshd by Community Biz and Cranfield U.. http://bit.ly/8trd2K #
- @Anita_Lobo great day! Keynote successful and panel session too! Thanks for tuning in! 🙂 in reply to Anita_Lobo #
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