Learning from adversity; women cope better RT @Bidiversity: Article: Study shows Women Leaders more Resilient than Men http://bit.ly/b8OM5n # RT…
Twitter Updates for 2010-03-11
Interesting case studies on open innovation RT @Bidiversity: Article: Co-Creation Initiatives from BMW and 3M http://bit.ly/a7hDfS # Just had a…
Twitter Updates for 2010-03-10
Great initiative! RT @BrandDubai: #Dubai Airport Freezone takes initiative to promote entrepreneurship http://bit.ly/boIOaJ # Why do we insist on recognising…
Twitter Updates for 2010-03-09
A call for diversity! RT @Bidiversity: Diversity of Thought Does Lead to Innovation, but Where Should Ideas Come From? http://bit.ly/9EAm2U…
Twitter Updates for 2010-03-08
RT @TamyEmmaPepin: First woman to win Oscar for best directing! Just in time for International Women's Day! Congrats! #girlpower #…
Twitter Updates for 2010-03-07
True! RT @disruptiveplay: Well said! 🙂 RT @skap5: Seems like there are more executive coaches than executives on Twitter. #…
Twitter Updates for 2010-03-05
Women in developing countries: a market of 300mn cellphones; a $13Billion opportunity for the mobile phone industry http://bit.ly/bebRtI # @Sairee…
Twitter Updates for 2010-03-05
Women in developing countries: a market of 300mn cellphones; a $13Billion opportunity for the mobile phone industry http://bit.ly/bebRtI # @Sairee…
Twitter Updates for 2010-03-04
RT @dmfreedom: More speakers confirmed 4 @SBGEVENTS Sport & New Media conference. I'm on the online fanbase panel – http://bit.ly/b4UbtL…
Twitter Updates for 2010-03-03
RT @CommonPurpose: Great Seth Godin blog on 'smart organizations seek[ing] out intelligent problem solvers' http://bit.ly/9yrZDn # Powered by Twitter Tools.